
Everyday we take steps to be better than we were yesterday. Read our News and stay informed about our progress.

Certificate Issuing from the Council of Architecture

The new law 4495/2017 has been published in the Government Gazette, under the title “Control and protection of structured environment and other provisions”.

Startup: Definition, Clichés and What you Really Need

“Startup” is a term widely used mainly since the ‘00s. It is used to describe every “next gen” business venture based on innovative products or technologies and scalable business models.

Business Management Consulting; on the Inside

Managemind is a Technical Project Development company operating in the field of studies – constructions, as well as in Business Management and Development.

The Role of Consulting in the Modern Business World

The modern business environment has evolved on several levels, globally. This very last word – globally – is the key factor of the changes taking place.


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