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Business Management Consulting; on the Inside

Business Management Consulting; on the Inside

Managemind is a Technical Project Development company operating in the field of studies – constructions, as well as in Business Management and Development.

Managemind is a Technical Project Development company operating in the field of studies – constructions, as well as in Business Management and Development. Business consulting is a rapidly evolving branch, worldwide. Inc. digital magazine reports that Management Consulting is currently a $250 dollars business!
But what is Business Consulting and why has it spread like wildfire? What is the actual object of the consultation and why is it an essential for every businessman?
For starters, regarding the basics and the very foundation of a company, a business consultant provides the know-how and the step-by-step guidance necessary to all things concerning procedure and formalities: documentation, legal framework and practical prerequisites needed. Due to extended bureaucracy, changeable and complicated procedures, the assistance Business Consulting can provide during the starting phase is invaluable.
Furthermore, a Consulting Agency assists to – or fully provides – the main planning of corporate strategy (a.k.a Business Planning). This part requires knowledge of Economics, Management, as well as thorough research and analysis of business competition in every branch (Competitor / Competitive Analysis). According to the data selected and the contemporary influences and development in every business sector, a consultant will suggest the strategy suited best for the company’s development, through specific steps, goals and timeframes.
At Managemind we can help you organize your business every step of the way, for every sector of business activity. Contact us to arrange for a free first meeting, to investigate your company’s needs.


  • 16 Tsimiski Str.
  • 2310252159
  • 6976888656


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