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The Role of Consulting in the Modern Business World

The Role of Consulting in the Modern Business World

The modern business environment has evolved on several levels, globally. This very last word – globally – is the key factor of the changes taking place.

The modern business environment has evolved on several levels, globally. This very last word – globally – is the key factor of the changes taking place.
Any influences or fluctuations in the business world are now massive, according to the spirit of globalization. Technology itself and the boom in the internet and telecommunications industry keeps us constantly wired in real time, regardless of industries or countries of activity.
Such an environment has both positive and negative aspects. On one hand, the potential field of business activity becomes vastly wider, on the other hand, there are new and greater demands in terms of know-how, technology, legal framework and regulations, HR and Facility Management.
What is especially important though, is the evolution in the professional networking microcosm, with the addition of new “rules” to the business savoir vivre & faire. The startups and digital technology ecosystem have significantly influenced current circumstances: from the meeting points and events of business contacts, the new ways of approach and pitching, to funding procurement and angel investors, as well as professional presence propriety and networking via Linkedin.
Alongside modern changes, the basic matters of Financial Management, Business Planning and of course, Resource Management, still stand. In order to effectively cover the range of business demands in its entirety, the modern businessman should recruit (and pay for, in time and money) a variety of specialists, such as: verified accountants, attorneys, economists, marketing experts and business managers.
A Consulting Agency is built upon a solid team of selected professionals from every field. They are the right people to provide all the right services under a cohesive and unified framework, while each one specializes in specific fields. Thus, a businessman enjoys the merit of targeted consulting and services, depending on their needs and area of activity.
Managemind offers complete Management Packages to industrial and craft-industrial businesses, the branch of Hospitality or startups, while we have significant experience in the field of construction and especially public works, enabling us to provide services and full study - construction packages. Our Philosophy focuses on the “Utility Factor” – utility, creativity and development. Feel free to contact us to arrange a free first appointment, in order to introduce you our services and investigate your needs.



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